

National Handloom Day: Wishes, Messages And Quotes

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Every year August 7 is observed as National Handloom Day.


Why National Handloom Day is Celebrated?

National Handloom Day is celebrated annually to commemorate the Swadeshi Movement launched in 1905.


Weaving Quotes:

“A good life is like a weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and tug are everything. ”
― Joan Erikson


“Life is a loom, weaving illusion.”
― Vachel Lindsay


“I do regard spinning and weaving as a necessary part of any national system of education.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“In the tapestry of life, we’re all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together. ”
― Anita Moorjani


“We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”
― Louisa May Alcott


“We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone… and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something. ”
― Sandra Day O’Connor


“You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out. ”
― Martha Graham


“We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning. ”
― Henry Ward Beecher


“Our weavings in the cosmic web are not self-contained. Rather, they are part of the design of our collective humanity. ”
― Lisa Hunt


“Think of all your experiences as a huge tapestry that can be laid out in whatever pattern you wish. Each day you add a new thread to the weaving. Do you craft a curtain to hide behind, or do you fashion a magic carpet that will care you to unequaled heights?”
― Tony Robbins


“Sometimes, when I wake up at night, I feel invisible hands weaving my destiny. ”
― Fernando Pessoa


“My dream is to be a doctor. I’m almost working in a laboratory, because I’m trying new techniques, new directions and fabrics, new weaving.”
― Alber Elbaz


“I’m pretty good on my feet. I’m pretty decent at bobbing and weaving, but there’s only so long you can bob and weave when you don’t have a good base.” 
― Unknown


“I have no qualms in going for hair weaving or transplant. ”
― Aditya Roy Kapur


“You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out. ”
― Martha Graham


“We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.”
― Louisa May Alcott


“A good life is like a weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and tug are everything.”
― Joan Erikson


“Our weavings in the cosmic web are not self-contained. Rather, they are part of the design of our collective humanity.”
― Lisa Hunt


Handloom Quotes:

“My closet is filled with tales woven with deft hands of un-named artisans.. Because I only wear Handloom…”
― Diti Swain


“What’s pain?
A handloom that weaves our identity. ”
― Priyadarshini Chettiar


“With her tiny hands knowing these colours are something epic, she coerce the flag with khaadi(handloom) and she wave lofty for all. ”
― Tazeen Sadiya


“While everyone were opting “sheer n lace”, She was madly in love with “Handlooms”.”
― Priyanka Sabyajita


Handloom (Khadi) Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

“I believe that where there is pure and active love for the poor there is God also. I see God in every thread that I draw on the spinning wheel.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Khadi is the sun of the village solar system. The planets are the various industries which can support khadi in return for the heat and the sustenance they derive from it. Without it other industries cannot grow. But during my last tour I discovered that, without the revival of other industries, khadi could not make further progress. For villagers to be able to occupy their spare time profitably, the village must be touched at all points.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“I claim that in losing the spinning wheel we lost our left lung. We are therefore suffering from galloping consumption. The restoration of the wheel arrests the progress of the fell disease. There are certain things which all must do in certain climes… The spinning wheel is the thing which all must turn in the Indian clime for the transition stage at any rate and the vast majority must for all time.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“The wearer of Khadi from a Swadeshi standpoint is like a man making use of his lungs. A natural and obligatory act has got to be performed, whether others do it out of impure motives or refrain altogether because they do not believe in its necessity or utility.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Khadi is only seemingly expensive. I have pointed out that it is wrong to compare khadi with other cloth by comparing the prices of given lengths. The inexpensiveness of khadi consists in the revolution of one’s taste. The wearing of khadi replaces the conventional idea of wearing clothes for ornament by that of wearing them for use.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“It is not enough to say that hand-spinning is one of the industries to be revived. It is necessary to insist that it is the central industry that must engage our attention if we are to re-establish the village home.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“If we have the ‘khadi spirit’ in us, we would surround ourselves with simplicity in every walk of life. The ‘khadi spirit’ means illimitable patience. For those who know anything about the production of khadi know how patiently the spinners and the weavers have to toil at their trade, and even so must we have patience while we are spinning ‘the thread of Swaraj’. The ‘khadi spirit’ means also an equally illimitable faith. Even as the spinner toiling away at the yarn he spins by itself small enough, put in the aggregate, would be enough to clothe every human being in India, so must we have illimitable faith in truth and non-violence ultimately conquering every obstacle in our way.

The ‘khadi spirit’ means fellow-feeling with every human being on earth. It means a complete renunciation of everything that is likely to harm our fellow creatures, and if we but cultivate that spirit amongst the millions of our countrymen, what a land this India of ours would be! And the more I move about the country and the more I see the things for myself, the richer, the stronger is my faith growing in the capacity of the spinning wheel.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Khadi stands for simplicity, not shoddiness. It sits well on the shoulders of the poor, and it can be made, as it was made in the days of the yore, to adorn the bodies of the richest and the most artistic men and women. It is reviving ancient art and crafts. It does not seek to destroy all machinery but it dies regulate its use and check its weedy growth. It uses machinery for the service of the poorest in their own cottages. The wheel is itself an exquisite piece of machinery.
Khadi delivers the poor from the bonds of the rich and creates a moral and spiritual bond between the classes and the masses. It restores to the poor somewhat of what the rich have taken from them.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“The mission of khadi is not merely to supply the townspeople with fashionable khadi that will vie with the mill manufacturers and thus like other industries supply a few artisans with employment, but it is to become a supplementary industry to agriculture. This mission still remains unfulfilled.
In order that it may fulfill this mission, it has to be self-sustained and its use must spread in the villages. Just as the villagers cook their own roti or rice, so must they make their own khadi for personal use. The surplus, if any, they may sell..”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Economics that hurt the moral well-being of an individual or a nation are immoral and therefore sinful. Thus the economics that permit one country to prey upon another are immoral. It is sinful to buy and use articles made by sweated labour. It is sinful to eat American wheat and let my neighbour the grain-dealer starve for want of custom.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“A country remains poor in wealth, both materially and intellectually, if it does not develop its handicrafts and its industries and lives a lazy parasitic life by importing all the manufactured articles from outside. There was a time when we manufactured almost all we wanted. The process is now reversed, and we are dependent upon the outside world for most manufactured goods. The past year brought forth a remarkable awakening of the Swadeshi spirit. It has therefore become necessary to define Swadeshi goods. But in giving a definition care had to be taken not to make the definition so narrow as to make manufacture all but impossible or so wide as to become farcical and Swadeshi only in name. We do not want to follow the frog-in-the-well policy, nor in seeming to be international, lose our roots. We cannot be international, if we lose our individuality, i. e., nationality.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Economics that hurt the moral well-being of an individual or a nation are immoral and therefore sinful. Thus the economics that permit one country to prey upon another are immoral. It is sinful to buy and use articles made by sweated labour. It is sinful to eat American wheat and let my neighbour the grain-dealer starve for want of custom.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“I feel convinced that the revival of hand-spinning and hand weaving will make the largest contribution to the economic and the moral regeneration of India. The millions must have a simple industry to supplement agriculture. Spinning was the cottage industry years ago, and if the millions are to be saved from starvation, they must be enabled to reintroduce spinning in their homes and every village must repossess its own weaver.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“There is an art that kills and an art that gives life. The fine fabric that we import from the west or the Far East has literally killed millions of our brothers and sisters, and delivered thousands of our dear sisters to a life of shame. True art must be evidence of happiness, contentment and purity of its authors. And if you will have such art revived in our midst, the use of khadi is obligatory on the best of you at the present moment.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“India’s destiny lies not along the bloody way of the west, of which she shows signs of tiredness, but along the bloodless way of peace that comes from a simple and godly life. India is in danger of losing her soul. She cannot lose it and live. She must not, therefore, lazily and helplessly say, ‘I cannot escape the onrush from the west.’ She must be strong enough to resist it for her own sake and that of the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Do spin and spin after due deliberation. Let those who spin wear khaddar and let no one who wears (khadi) fail to spin. ‘Due deliberation’ means realization that charkha or act of spinning is the symbol of non-violence. Ponder; it will be self-evident.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“It is my claim that as soon as we have completed the boycott of foreign cloth we shall have evolved so far that we shall necessarily give up the present absurdities and remodel national life in keeping with the ideal of simplicity and domesticity implanted in the bosom of the masses. We will not then be dragged into an imperialism which is built upon exploitation of the weaker races of the earth, and the acceptance of a giddy materialistic civilization protected by naval and air forces that have made peaceful living almost impossible. On the contrary we shall then refine that imperialism into a commonwealth of nations which will combine, if they do, for the purpose of giving their best to the world and of protecting, not by brute force but by self -suffering, the weaker nations or races of he earth. Non-cooperation aims at nothing less than this revolution in the thought world. Such a transformation can come only after the complete success of the spinning wheel. India can become fit for delivering such a message, when she has become proof against temptation and therefore attacks from outside, by becoming self-contained regarding two of her chief needs-food and clothing.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“I do regard spinning and weaving as a necessary part of any national system of education.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

“The handloom weaving is in a dying condition. Everyone admits that whatever may be the future of the mill industry, the handlooms ought not to be allowed to perish”
― Mahatma Gandhi


National Handloom Day: Messages

– The National Handloom Day needed recognization because of the weavers, so the first National Handloom Day was marked on the 7th of August in 2015.


– The day was marked by the honorable Prime Minister of the India – Narendra Modi. The day was observed in the Centenary Hall of Madras University, situated in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


– Today, due to mass acceptance, the National Handloom Day celebrates the 5th anniversary. It has overcome several hardships in the path, and many years to go with all ups and downs.


– The Handloom society needs to be spread all over the country and in every corner. This will only lead to the success of the celebration of the National Handloom Day.


– The National Handloom Day also represents the Swadeshi Movement, which was part of the year 1905 in Calcutta to boycott the British products on the same day, which is the 7th of August.


– If we support the National Handloom Day, we ate supporting the small weavers with their part of living and using their basic domestic needs. This strengthens the pillar of the country’s economy.


– The National Handloom Day has a long way to pave smoothly and follow it. Let us try all together to build the path and support the handloom weavers.


National Handloom Day: Greetings

– Happy National Handloom Day to the great inventors of the nation. They are the creators and destructor of this incredible world and so need recognization.


– They create the national pillars by their hard work and dedication. They weave, and this is all because they want to work for the country.


– Happy National Handloom Day to the supporters of the Handloom society. Because of their supporters, they can grow in today’s competitive world.


– Happy National Handloom Day to the people who are still unaware of the Handloom society. Try to know about them. They also support the economy of the country.


– Happy National Handloom Day to your oneself. You should be at the top list of your priority and wish yourself because only you can spread awareness when only you are aware of the day.


– The knowledge regarding the day should be part of your learnings. Warm wishes yourself first Happy National Handloom Day, so that then only you can wish the people of the country with a great smile.


– Then, choose your family members and warm wish them Happy National Handloom Day. Buy products from the direct stores of weavers. Try out other ways to reach their outcomes.


– Warm wish your friends, mates, and their family members Happy National Handloom Day. Try out modern methods like built a website for them to sell their items. It is a great help for them.

Biranchi Narayan

Biranchi Narayan