

Orangutan Day: Wishes, Messages And Quotes

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In order to show our love for orangutans, International Orangutan Day is celebrated on 19th August of every year.


Why International Orangutan Day is Celebrated?

International Orangutan Day is celebrated to raise awareness of the issues they are facing and encourage the public to take action in protecting this amazing species in the wild.


International Orangutan Day: Messages

– The best way to spread awareness about orangutans is by conducting workshops, delivering lectures, and, most importantly involving the children.

– It’s you and me who can pressure the government to take some strict and severe actions to save and protect the orangutan; it’s our duty as well as responsibility.

– Orangutan lives only on two islands and humans. We must protect at least those two islands.


– The word orangutan means the humans of the forest, and now those humans are needed to be saved because humans of urban were too greedy that they destroyed their homes for their greed.


– We humans share approx. 97% of our DNA with an orangutan should be enough reason to save them and protect them.

– If we don’t act fast, their habitat will be destroyed to such an extent that instead of just being sad, we wouldn’t be able to do much.


– If anything we humans can learn from orangutans how to live with harmony and peace without troubling anyone.

– The orangutan is the most peaceful creature, and that’s the only thing that the world needs to learn from them how to coexist.

– Orangutan is the victim of the palm oil industry, proving once again that it’s always the humans who cause trouble to others.

– Deforestation is like snatching homes from an orangutan and that’s why humans need to once again think about the meaning of development.


International Orangutan Day: Greetings

– This international orangutan day, let’s take a pledge to protect all the orangutans that are left and give them the attention and care they deserve.


– The best way to celebrate orangutan day is by visiting the zoo, learning more about them, and making this a world better place for them—happy international orangutan day.

– On this orangutan day, discuss the problems orangutans are facing with your friends, make them aware of the problems, and how they can help to solve them, this is the gift we can give to them.


– Orangutans are just like babies they need us to protect them in the same way orangutans need our help to survive—happy international orangutan day.

– Take some significant actions to save the orangutan before it’s too late because then we will have nothing but regret. And no amount of guilt will be able to bring them back.

– Over the past few years, the population of orangutans has reduced by up to 50%; take some major steps before everything goes out of hand—happy international orangutan Day.

–  Something needed to be done. That’s why orangutan day is celebrated so that people can be aware of the situations of an orangutan.



International Orangutan Day: Quotes

“The demon cried, waving its furry arms above his head like a demented orangutan.”
― Jana Oliver

“The demon cried, waving its furry arms above his head like a demented orangutan.”
 John Rachel


Biranchi Narayan

Biranchi Narayan