

Quit India Movement Day: Wishes, Messages And Quotes

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The Quit India Movement also known as the August Movement was launched on 8 August 1942 at the All-India Congress Committee session in Bombay by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.


Why Quit India Movement Day is Celebrated?

The main aim of the movement was India’s freedom and it was accompanied by a mass protest on non-violent lines, in which Gandhi called for an orderly British withdrawal from India.

Quit India Day (Kranti Diwas) is celebrated by paying tribute to freedom fighters with national integration speeches and other events.


Quit India Movement Day: Messages

– Quit India Day has huge historical significance for India. It reminds us of the great mass movement organized under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

– On Quit India Day, let us pay our respect and tribute to all those who fought against the British for gaining independence from the colonial rule.

– Quit India Day marks the zenith of the Indian freedom struggle that gave a clear message to the Britishers that their days in India were numbered.

– In spite of all the brutal repression unleashed by the British administration on the supporters of the Quit India movement, they continued with their struggle against the unjust British rule in India. This is what makes Quit India Day special for us.

– Quit India Day reminds us of the greatest leader in the history of our country, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His teachings on nonviolence still continue to guide the struggles of the oppressed.    

– Quit India movement proved to the whole world how mass movements can play a crucial role in the freedom struggle of colonized countries.

– Quit India movement is an important landmark in the history of the freedom struggle of India. It brought together people belonging to different caste and religion.

– Quit India Day reminds us of the importance of Satyagraha in the Indian freedom movement. It demonstrated the potential of peaceful and nonviolent protests to the whole world.

– Quit India Day is no ordinary day, it symbolizes the fighting spirit of our countrymen who vowed to free our nation from the British colonial rule or accept death.

– On Quit India Day the people of India realized that freedom was near. A wave of patriotism swept the whole country.

– Through the Quit India Movement India wanted to make it clear that they won’t fight for the cause of imperialism and colonialism in the Second World War. Contemporary political leaders who are fighting against imperialism have a lot to learn from the movement.

– On this Quit India Day, all of us should spread the message that freedom is an inalienable right of any human being and no one can ever suppress it through domination.


Quit India Movement Day: Greetings

– Today is Quit India Day, the day on which our Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi gave the famous “Do or Die” speech. It marked the start of a movement that shook the very base of British rule in India.

– On Quit India Day, let us remember the sacrifices made by our leaders for the sake of independence.

– On this Quit India Day let us learn to respect the hard-earned freedom of our country.

– On this Quit India Day let us organize cultural programs that will educate the people about the significance of the day.

– Let us all pledge on this Quit India Day that we will follow the ideals and the path shown to us by Mahatma Gandhi.

– Quit India Day offers us the scope to look back at history and take inspiration from the sacrifices of our freedom fighters.

– On this Quit India Day let us break all the barriers to freedom and move forward to establish a society based on justice and the rule of law.

– Every year Quit India Day motivates us to fight for our rights and inspires us not to surrender any kind of evil.

– On this Quit India Day let us recognize the fact that service to our nation comes first above anything else.

– On this Quit India Day let us remember the noble ideals of Mahatma Gandhi who is considered to be one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.

– Quit India movement proved to the entire world that the genuine demand for self-determination of any country cannot be suppressed for a long time.

– On this Quit India Day let us all take a pledge that we will never accept tyranny in our lives and fight against any form of injustice that is taking place in any corner of the world.  

– On this Quit India Day let us all be the change that we want to see in the world.

– Mass movements like the Quit India movement proved to be an inspiration for other Asian and African countries that were trying to form a strong resistance against colonialism.  


Quit India Movement Day: Quotes

“Quit India Day makes me feel proud to be a part of the nation that never surrendered to the oppression of the colonial rule.”
― Unknown

“No other day makes me feel more patriotic than Quit India Day.” 
― Unknown

“Quit India Day is a proud occasion for us. It was on 8th August 1942 that India demanded complete freedom from the British rule.”
― Unknown

“A mass movement requires a strong leader and we feel privileged that the Quit India Movement was led by the charismatic leader Mahatma Gandhi.” 
― Unknown

“Quit India Day gave birth to a famous movement that fought against imperialism and colonialism of the 20th century.” 
― Unknown

“Quit India Movement represented the aspirations of millions of people who wanted to free themselves of the dreadful colonial rule of the British.” 
― Unknown

“There are several arguments about the success and failure of the Quit India Movement but none can deny its significant contributions to the Indian freedom struggle.” 
― Unknown

“There are several ways of gaining freedom other than violence and Quit India Movement is a testimony to this fact.” 
― Unknown

Biranchi Narayan

Biranchi Narayan